Rock Climbing in Romania

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Author: Ciprian Draghici
ISBN: 978-973-0-07293-8
Format: A5, full color, 240 pages, english

* 17 rock climbing crags around Brasov
* over 700 sport climbing routes with full descriptions
* french grades and ratings for the beauty of each climb
* photo-topos with route lines
* route difficulty colour codes for easier assessing the sectors
* graphical symbols for the route character, steepness and beauty
* approach maps drawn to scale and GPS coordinates
* inspiring climbing pictures

You can order online the guidebook at:
Climb Europe
Urban and Climbing Shop
Sport Virus

Review by Greg Chapman - Rock Run
Rock Climbing in Romania: a climbing guide to Brasov crags, is a splendid 240 page tome, centering on the rock climbing around the city of Brasov in central Romania, which itself is located in the central southern ark of the hook-like spine that is the Carpathian mountain range. Read more...

Review by Marian Anghel - Rucksack
Inca din primul moment in care luam in mana cartea "Rock climbing in Romania" (Catarare in Romania - pentru cei care nu vorbesc engleza), observam calitatea deosebita a hartiei si a tiparului, total nespecifice cartilor de munte romanesti. Read more...
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